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OWA Gives Thanks

The OWA is Thankful

The OWA is very thankful for, and would like to share gratitude for, each and every one who is a part of us. As we continue to grow, the list of thanks grows too. Everyone who helps the OWA is vital to us keeping our integrity to connect, inspire, and lead.


We are able to do everything we do for our members, because of our members. Every person who contributes, participates, attends events, volunteers,  and supports in countless other ways, we appreciate you! We are grateful for our Membership Committee, who grows our group and develops new ways of keeping our membership coming back for more.


We are able to provide numerous valuable resources because our sponsors make it possible. Our sponsors enrich our events, auctions, scholarships, and other elements, and we thank you for that. We are grateful for our Professional Development Fund Committee, who ensures the future of the OWA by building partnerships with generous benefactors and creating the blueprint for the financial growth of the OWA.

Our Director

Carol Wilbur deserves a special thanks because she does so much for the OWA, every day, and at all hours of the day. Carol is an important piece of the OWA pie and we would  not be what we are today without her. Thank you, Carol!

Board of Directors

The OWA board is full of incredible leaders and mentors who share and apply their invaluable experience to make us better as a whole.

Events Committee

Somehow the Events Committee continues to always have an event going on somewhere and make sure our members are getting value. So much work goes into the logistics, the content, and the overall planning of our events – thank you to everyone who helps plan them! Look at the great work they do in the gallery of past events photos.

Website & Blog

The OWA Connects Blog, the website, and the Member Spotlights are maintained by the Communications & Website Committee. We are thankful for this fantastic group of women and their ability to keep on top of all of these things. With that said, the webmaster behind all of this magic, Don Dinnerville, gets all of these things seamlessly working together and is somehow able to keep up with everything we send his way.

Social Media

We are also thankful for the Digital Marketing Committee, who collaborates, creates, publishes several engaging posts of images and content per week, on all of our platforms, to our now over 9,000+ followers! Well done!

Fireside Chats

The four women who lead the bi-monthly Fireside Chats provide members the most incredible and convenient way to gather, network, and grow, both personally and professionally, while also having some fun!

We are thankful for Sandra and Stephanie, our two OWA Talks Podcast hosts who provide their voices along with those providing diverse experience and resources . The committee is behind them as well as the ever-popular One Minute Inspiration. Thank you for all you do to connect and enrich everyone in the OWA.

What better time than Thanksgiving to thank Dr. Beverly Bianes for providing Food For Thought! Gathering together at the table promotes fellowship and provides a place of love and peace, and she does a fantastic job of bringing all of those elements together.

These women silently make everything happen. They provide financial oversight, planning, and growth strategies that will offer the OWA the financial stewardship necessary to fulfill its mission of serving more women in the optical industry.

This final group of amazing women is responsible for making sure all of those who are deserving of an OWA Award or a position on the board are considered. This committee, comprised of current and past OWA presidents, chooses the best of the best to represent the organization based on leadership.

Thank you to each and every person and company who helps make the Optical Women’s Association as wonderful as it is!

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