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January 2018 : One-Minute Mentor Articles Needed

By Debbie Myres and Jean Sabre, OWA Mentoring Committee Co-Chairs
(Committee Spotlight)

The One-Minute Mentor (OMM) is one of the most popular benefits of your OWA membership that comes to you twice a month! We would love to continue this for the future, and are in need of articles to publish.

You do not need to be a published or seasoned writer to submit an article. Your submission can relate to a personal event, current event or trend, any topic of business or life that you think would connect, lead or inspire women.

You can review articles here to see the variety of submissions in the past.

Please let us know if you would be interested. We publish as close to the 1st and 15th of the month as possible, so an article would need to be submitted a week before those dates. With a membership of 750 and growing, we would like to hear from so many of you!

We need to fill all dates for 2018, on the 1st and 15th of each month, so please let us know when you would be able to send an article. Please format and send as a Word document and please allow for proofreading and editing.

We need:

Thank you so much,

Debbie Myres and Jean Sabre, Co-Chairs
OWA Mentoring Committee

Click Here to Sign Up or Submit Article

As an example of a recent One-Minute Mentor, here is OWA President Tiara Claxton's submission that was shared with members on January 2nd.

One-Minute Mentor - 01-02-2018 :
A Fresh New Year

By: Tiara Claxton

When I was a little girl, born into a family of 8 children, I learned early on that if I wanted to go somewhere or do something special, I had to plan ahead. Having something to look forward to will help you work hard to get there.

My mother couldn't do everything, so she gave my siblings and me fun chores based on what we liked to do. (Good lesson, mom!) My fun chores consisted of cooking, cleaning, and helping with the laundry. I still enjoy doing these and love having a clean, organized home and office!

I learned early on not to procrastinate but to get the job done so I could move on to the next adventure or project. In our everyday lives we are constantly faced with getting the job done and having enough time to accomplish it. Make it fun, and it won't feel like a chore!

Here are some tips on starting your New Year moving in the right direction:

  1. Get organized! Purge 2017 and start fresh for 2018.
  2. Plan something special to do at least once a month, and celebrate your accomplishments at the end of the quarter.
  3. Goal setting is a must! Set short term and long terms goals now for 2018, and the future will be bright!

You are in charge of what you want in life; set the balance, set your goals, and reap the benefits of planning ahead! Thanks, mom, for teaching me this lesson as a child; it has served me well! May all of your fun chores bring you a sense of accomplishment and always give you something special to look forward to!

Tiara Claxton is President of the OWA and Western Regional Sales Manager of Thélios, in partnership with Marcolin. You can reach her at .

Inspirational Quote

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

Steve Jobs

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